
Domestic Water Storage

Consumers around the world find it useful, and sometimes necessary, to store water for household use.

Baytel has been studying household water storage for many years, whether it involves extra bottled water, water treatment and storage devices, elevated or ground-level tanks, or rainwater collection and storage systems.

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Rooftop water storage tanks in Mexico.
Rooftop tanks in Mexico
Modern rooftop water tanks have automatic control valves.
Access to an underground residential water cistern.
Tank Filling
Rooftop storage tanks on an apartment building in India —
one of them is open to the elements.
Tanks in Mumbai
Ground-level water storage in Vientiane, Laos.
A small-scale storage strategy.
(A "mineral pot" in China.)
Chinese Mineral Pot
A child with a storage purifier.
Unilever Pureit
Low-tech storage in a refrigerator.
Chilled Storage
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